22 December 2008

recap presentasi kartul

hello dearest! today I would like to tell my worst day ever, the December 18th, intinya it should be my presentation of goddamn kartul day tapiiiiiiiiiiiii, ehm gue ceritakan dari awal.

kamis, 18 Desember 2008

pukul. 12.00
gue bersiap-siap mau mandi dan telp taksi buat jam 13.00, mau berangkat ke syekolaaa buat presentasi kartul. oh well, sebenernya gue baru presentasi jam 16.10an tapiiiiii iseng mau berangkat duluan

pukul 13.00
I was ready and I was waiting for that darne taxy, but it didn't come

pukul 13.30
dih taksinya KEMANA YAAAAAAA GAK DATENG2? sooo I cancelled that taxy and jalan kaki nyari taksi ke depan kompleks, Alhamdulillah gue dapet hahaha

pukul 14.22
lagi di taksi, lokasi pas depan poins square, tiba2 adicahyo telp

AAAAAAAAAAAAH GILAAAAAAAA! MANA MUNGKIN GUE SAMPE SEKOLAH JAM SETENGAH 3? SEKARANG AJA UDA JAM 14.22? gue panik dan akhirnya telp nyokap gue, nyokap gue pun bingung dan akhirnya menyarankan gue naik ojek biar cepet sampe. akan tetapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, fyi gue paling takut naik motor, jadiiiii gue mikir2. dan akhirnya gue pun naik ojek ke sekolah! dengan menutup mata tentunya, hahaha

sesampai disana, bodo amat gue uda gak tau jam brapa, ngepas ketemu bu riri
Bu riri: ibu mau pulang, anak ibu sakit
Shabrina: yah bu saya bisa presentasi sekarang gak? kalo besok bisa gak bu?
Bu riri: ibu gatau, ibu mau pulang, tanya bu wulan aja

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH NYESEEEEEEEEEEEEEK TAU GITU GUE DATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG MENDINGAN GUE GAK DATEEEEENG NYESEKNYA ITU LOOOOOOH GAK NAHAN! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr betenya poooooooooool abis, thank god disana ada bebek, pitut, noncha yg berbaik hati dengerin gue hahaha beserta juga bu wulan! hahaha dan akhirnya gue pun presentasi keesokan harinya, oh well gue uda legaaaaaa sekarang! eits belum lega2 bgt sih masih ada SAT TEST! tanggal 24 januari, setelah ulang tahun gue sehariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! oh crap no! doain gue yaaaaah ; )

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17 December 2008

tag dari zita

hellooooooooooooooo mumpung gue lg gak ngapa2in dan fyi presentasi kartul gue uda slesai (and tomorrow is sidang day! doakan yah ;)) heheee) soooooo I would like to do tag dari zita, here it goes!
the age of my next birthday
oh deer, i'm still young ahuahuahau ;p

a place i'd like to travel to
emerald city, city of sin, Las vegas! hahaha

favourite place
my own room, I know it's a very messy. haha

a favorite food (sorry I can't take it as a hihi ;p)

custard pudding

white chocolates

favourite things
totally in love and can't live without it
secondary, I do love this too. walaupun uda jelek hihihi
third, of courseeeeeee my lovely digital camera hihi
and my last, action ssssssampler

a favourite colour
greenie! sebenernya gue masi ada lg sih hehehe

a city where i was born
jakarta, of course

a city which i have ever lived in
ya dong, jakarta, half of my soul (najis) hahaha

palembang, dari tk - sd kls 3singapore, waktu bayiiiii hihi sampe skrg masi kok

a nickname i have

without light yah, yg penting ada saber nya hahahayou know, how famous my nameeeee iihihihihi ;p

college major

name of my love

Hayden Christensen! big loveeeeeeee hahhaaselingkuhan (?), sir Ed Westwick, gak kalah hot kok hahahaha

a bad habit

pelupa, memang hahahayes, it's very hard to control it

a hobby
dengerin my totally-in-love-with hahaha


yes, I wish I have a dog! ada yg mau ngasi? hihihi ;p yes dear, I wanna have a driving license! I wannabe 17!

then I tag:
  • Sabila

  • Bey

  • Ayin

  • Laraslaros

  • Rance

  • okaaaay I have to go to bed! byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;-)

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    16 December 2008

    lotta talk!

    heeeeeey everrrrrrrrryone, how are youuuuuuuuu? fine? thank you hahaha gue mau mengucapkan syukur Alhadulillah karena............................... (jeng jeng jeng jeng) gue sudah selesai uas! hihihi tapi it's not really over yet karena ada apa kawan? tebak hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooo apa kawan?

    yaaa itu saja, yg belum doakan gue pada tgl 18 Desember pada jam 16.10 akan disidang dengan penguji:
    • Pak Buang Raharjo : baik hati, murah nilai (katanya), namun kritis tapi gak killer2 (dngr2)
    • Bu Kiki Pri-guelupasiapalahitu : kurus, kecil, masih sangat sangat muda, terlalu kritis dan idealis, sangat idealis (kebalikannya pak buang)
    Tapi untungnya guru pembimbing gue adalaaaaaahh: Bu Riri! hahaha doakan saja berhasil, bu kiki ga banyak tanya, presentasi lancaaaarrrrrrrrrr hehehe

    oiya gue baru inget ada pr dari bebek dan nisun:
    This is the rules :
    1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
    2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
    3. post that picture with no editing
    4. post this instruction with your picture
    5. tag 10 people to do this
    muka bantal tidur di plaza, muka bete, dan plus plus lainnya haha

    And I would like to-to tag-tag 10 person here, the luckiest are......................................
  • Sabila

  • Jovia

  • Laraslaros

  • Rance

  • Zita

  • ............................................................................................................................................

    mungkin sekian, mungkin? hehee byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;-)